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4-7 years old

As children start school their world expands and they start to become a bit more independent.  However, they still look to parents, family and other trusted adults to create the conditions for their wellbeing to thrive.

Children need help to experience a range of different social settings and develop relationships with new people.  Play remains of real importance to their learning and as a way to build friendships and understand rules and boundaries.

At this age, many children are keen to help others and explore their world.  They are curious and want to learn and experience new things. They can do this through trying new activities or pastimes, through using technology or being active in nature.  They enjoy learning about making healthy choices, how to look after themselves and manage emotions. 

As parents and trusted adults, you have an important role to support your child to do these things and so help them to thrive.

Please click below to find out more.  Remember that one activity, such as playing with your child, often means you’ve achieved many of the five ways to wellbeing through a single activity.  Examples of activities include:

Doing five ways to wellbeing doesn’t need to cost anything.  It’s more about being present in the moment (putting the phone to one side for a few a minutes) and giving your child your time and attention.  Something as simple as Connect with your child through a cuddle on the sofa whilst watching TV together.  Or maybe Take Notice of a bird in the tree on your Be Active walk to school and Keep Learning as they tell you a fact about it.  Give your time and attention by playing a board game or baking together.

Be Active
Keep Learning
Take Notice