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Daily routine

The below is an example of a ward timetable that includes meal times and bedtime hours. If you find routine difficult, your team will work with you to understand what the difficulties are and work with you to get around them. 

Weekdays Weekends
8:00am: Breakfast 8:30am: Breakfast
10:45am: Morning snack 10:45am: Morning snack
12:30pm: Lunch/ dinner 12:30pm: Lunch/ dinner
3:30pm: Afternoon snack 3:30pm: Afternoon snack
5:00pm: Tea 5:00pm: Tea
8:00pm: Supper 8:00pm: Supper
10:00am - 11:00pm: Bedtime 10:00pm - 11:00pm: Bedtime

Bedrooms and Bedtimes

You will have your own bedroom with a bed, desk, drawers and ensuite shower/ toilet. Everyone is woken up at 7:30am and breakfast is at 8:00am (weekends 8:30am). The time you go to bed depends on your age. Later bedtimes can be negotiated at weekends. We will encourage you to spend the day outside of your bedroom and to join in with the ward routine, education and therapy sessions. This is to encourage a health sleep pattern and reduce isolation. You will have access to your bedroom at any time outside of therapy or education, or by request from the nursing team. You will not be permitted to go in other's bedrooms.

Age Bedtime Lights out
12 to 13 year olds 22:00 22:30
15 to 15 year olds 22:30 23:00
16 to 18 year olds 23:00 23:30